This series obviously takes place before either character was fucking murdered by Han Solo.
Thank you, Robin.
“What some folks call impossible, is just stuff they haven’t seen before.”
TMNT: The Corruptor’s Comeuppance
All Michael Bay movies are crap. Except for The Rock. And Armageddon. Parts of the first Transformers were awesome. I didn’t hate Bad Boys. Or The Island…
The Tracker
Despite Spirit Iron-Knife’s innate skills, nothing beats hands-on experience.
Three halves make not a whole.
Thanks for the update.
May his dreams be dreadful.
Why Don’t You Already?
Please start with the month-old hard-boiled one at the back of the fridge. Thanks.
Friggin’ Fanfuggintastic Las Vegas
If you can name a more enjoyable parade of weirdos I’ll buy the next round at Fat Tuesday.
Doug Finally Gets a Break
Poor Doug, you can’t win even when you’re trying to lose.
Dimple Pinch & the Crystal Blue Rocks
The One Who Knocks prefers it not on the rocks.